Thursday, April 7, 2016

Wishes, Goals and Plan

Wishes, Goals and Plan

After setting your goals, you need to fight to achieve them. Creating a to-do list will help achieve your goals and prioritize.

The child’s mind is a mine full of opportunities that can be tapped (tilled and cultivated) and without much encumbrances will bring forth a bountiful harvest.

We can help our children by working with them to be productive. For their goals to be achieved, there should be proper planning and guidance. Reaching a goal can be very easy, very hard or in between. It is easier to start with short term goals with the duration of 1 day to 1 week. When achieved we can move to mid-term and  long-term.

Rewarding a child for achieving a goal is a vital tool in growth. This sensitizes the child and gives him the gusto to push for more.

What goals has your child set for the year? Work with him or her through it this year.

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