Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Negotiation is a discussion  aimed at reaching an agreement. A dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome.
In any negotiation scenario, individuals aim to achieve the best possible outcome for their position; however a skilled negotiation should seek mutual benefit and maintaining a relationship. That is a successful outcome we should all seek.

The point of negotiation is to try to reach agreements without causing future barriers to communication. For every negotiation to be successful and lasting, both parties must feel they have won.

Developing good negotiation skills is very vital for the children as they have lifetime deals ahead of them.

Negotiation is a skill we use every day. Win-win negotiation skills are not inborn; it is something we have to learn.

We live on a planet of limited resources so we have to share. As parents, we need to recognize the value of teaching children negotiation so they can have access to these resources they need to succeed in life.
We are continually negotiating with our children, selling to them the family cultures against the negative peer influence.

Learn the skill of negotiation.

·         Be a good example.
·         Create situations where children can learn to negotiate.
·         Realize the need for them to resolve their own issues. (Violence, emotion, blackmail is not acceptable).
·         Praise them to build confidence.
·         Teach them that mistakes are inevitable; the most vital thing is the ability to pick oneself up and move on.
·         Don’t blame your child for not winning.
·         Separate the dispute from your child.
·         Focus on finding a shared interest.
·         Invent and create options for mutual gain.
·         Insist on using objective criteria.
·         Develop your best alternative to a negotiated agreement.

Learn and use better negotiation skills this holiday. Win these treasured ones over with better deals than negative peers can offer.

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